Perspective Matters When Selling Your House Today

Does the latest news about the housing market have you questioning your plans to sell your house? If so, perspective is key. Here are some of the ways a trusted real estate professional can explain the shift that’s happening today and why it’s still a sellers’ market even during the cooldown. Fewer Homes for Sale than Pre-PandemicContinue reading “Perspective Matters When Selling Your House Today”

The Journey to Buy a Home

The journey to buy a home starts here. When you head out to buy a home, there are a number of key milestones you’ll encounter along the way. The process includes everything from building your team and understanding your finances to going house hunting, making an offer, and more. Your journey starts here. Let’s connectContinue reading “The Journey to Buy a Home”

Who is Telling Your Story?

This is the first episode of my podcast, Crushing It with Your Tribe. In this episode, “Who Is Telling Your Story?” Vicki Marlett with The American Business Women’s Association: Charisma Charter Chapter shares her experience with this amazing organization that has been serving and growing women for over 70 years.

Buyers Can Kill a Deal

In this market we always hear how sellers are difficult. How they are greedy and won’t make any repairs or do anything to help the buyer because they don’t need to. However, there are story upon story where the buyer was the one to wreck the deal.

Path to Home Ownership

If you’re thinking of buying a home the Path to Home Ownership can be intimidating. You’re not alone. There are a lot of questions and everyone seems to have a different answer. Remember that every situation is different. What your friend’s experience was will not be the same for you. Here’s a map with 10Continue reading “Path to Home Ownership”

Our 5-Step Senior Transition Program

The Senior Transition can be difficult, challenging, and time-consuming. Our 5 Step Senior Transition Program works to make this process easier on the entire family. Be sure to check out our Trusted Vendor List as well for things you may want to do prior to starting the process Step 1: Initial Consultation Robin McCoy &Continue reading “Our 5-Step Senior Transition Program”

DFW’s Best Haunted Houses

Time to Get Your Haunt On! Haunted Houses….boy, do we love to get the bejezzus scared out of ourselves. We intentionally climb on roller coasters that go careening through the air. And every October we seek out places designed to instill enough fear to create nightmares for the next twelve months. Here are DFW’s bestContinue reading “DFW’s Best Haunted Houses”